60-minute swim workout, 3-28-21

I swam with the master’s team today. Clay Evans and Bill Bean were our coaches, although the workout was Clay’s. It was a good workout, although there was some confusion at times. 60-minute swim workout 10 minute warmup (~650 yds) Warmup set (1125 yds,...

60-minute swim workout, 3-25-21

I haven’t posted a swim workout since Sunday. I did swim on Tuesday, but I’ve been busy trying to organize some personal stuff. Today’s workout is courtesy of Olympian and swim coach extraordinaire Rada Owen. It was a different, challenging, and fun...

One-Hour Swim Workout, 3-21-21

Today, I swam with the master’s team. When I swim with them, I’m in the 1:30 hundred pace lane. Last Sunday, I did the same and managed to convince someone else to lead. I must say the draft was lovely. LOL She refused to lead today, so it fell to me....