Bill likes to push a some. This was a push. After the warmup, a swimmer in the lane next to me said, “If only we could do this entire workout as 25s.” I laughed and said, “Yeah, but you know Bill would make that hurt.” He laughed and agreed. It’s not a bad thing at all. It’s good to push. So, I pushed myself today and actually kicked . . . sort of. The kicking had some help (a few pulls here and there), but I kicked. There was that. 🙂

1 hour swim workout, SCAQ Sunday, 2-20-22

Coach Bill Bean

500 warmup (~7:25 min)

Warmup set (600 yds, 12 min)
4 x 25 kick on :30
2 x 25 swim on :30
4 x 25 kick on :30
4 x 25 swim on :30
4 x 25 kick on :30
6 x 25 swim on :30

Main set (2050 yds, 30:30 min)
Set 1 — 3x (1050 yds, 14 min)
3 x 50 on :50–descend
200 on 3:00

Set 2 — 3x (750 yds, 11:30 min)
3 x 50 on :45
100 on 1:35 — descend

Set 3 (250 yds, 5 min)
4 x 25 kick on :30
6 x 25 fast on :30

200 warm down

Total yards: 3350