Book Descriptions and Titles

Have you ever read a book title/description, bought the book, read it, and thought, “What the f**k?” Yeah, me, too. Apparently, this cat has, too. LOL While this book is a classic, it just goes to show how important our book descriptions and titles are....

For the Love of Boxes

A box is a many splendored thing. At my house, we love boxes. Boxes aren’t just for cats. Many years ago, I remember my parents bringing home a new refrigerator. I don’t remember how old I was, but I do remember the excitement of us kids when we saw the size of the...

It’s inevitable

It is. The postman delivered a kickboard. I opened the box, removed the kickboard, and set the box on the ground. Guess what happened. The inevitable. (grin)   But if it’s big enough for one, surely two can fit....

What’s sexy to you?

When I was young, I had a completely different idea of what a sexy man was. It involved a killer body, a chiseled face, intelligence, and a sense of humor. Not that I know if any of these are intelligent (well, Phelps is supposed to be) or have a good sense of humor,...