by marciadmin | Feb 4, 2022 | Hour Swim Workouts, SCAQ Swim Workouts, Swim Workout
There was a discussion about flip turns this morning. As I’m always up for improving (and my flip turn was slow compared to other swimmers), I watched a few flip turn videos. Honestly, I don’t think there’s much wrong with my form (not that it...
by marciadmin | Feb 3, 2022 | Hour Swim Workouts, SCAQ Swim Workouts, Swim Workout
The first round of the main set was “death by fly.” Rada had expected us to get through our main set faster than we did, but we took an extra 30 seconds or so to recoup from all the stroke. I let Rachel lead during the breaststroke section. I tried to...
by marciadmin | Feb 2, 2022 | Hour Swim Workouts, Swim Workout
I arrived late today (although I didn’t realize I was late.), so I didn’t get a warmup. My warmup was the first 200 of that main set. Cameron, Rob, and Eric did the sprint 100s on 1:02-1:03, significantly faster than my 1:15 that I was so proud of. LOL...
by marciadmin | Jan 29, 2022 | Hour Swim Workouts, Swim Workout
1 hour 12 minute swim workout, Saturday swim with friends Michael Chang workout 600 warmup (?min) Warmup set (700 yds, 13:40 min) Set 1–2x (600 yds, 11:20 min) 2 x 50 drill on 1:00 2 x 100 on 1:50 — 50 kick/50 swim Set 2 (100 yds, 2:20 min) 4 x 25 on :25 3/2/1 breaths...
by marciadmin | Jan 27, 2022 | Hour Swim Workouts, SCAQ Swim Workouts, Swim Workout
1 hour swim workout, SCAQ Thursday Coach Rada Owen 500 warmup (? min) Warmup set — 3x (750 yds, 13 min) 100 on 1:40 — decrease stroke count by 25 150 on 2:40 — 50 kick/25 stroke IM order/50 free Main set — 3x (1350 yds, 25:15 min) 100 IM on 1:50 50 free on 1:00 — 25...