Coach Rada delivers again with another interesting, challenging, and fun workout. I’ve gotten in a rut with my own workouts. This was inspiring. Hopefully, I’ll keep this interesting workout going tomorrow.

Oh, how many yards have I swam the month of November? Well, I’ll update this in a few as I calculate it. And . . . Drum roll, please . . . The total yards swam for the month of November are: 82,100 or 46.64 miles.

It’s official: my life is swimming. LOL

Hour swim workout, SCAQ Tuesday

Coach Rada Owen

500 warmup (~7:30 min)

Warmup set 2x (600 yds, 10:40 min)
4 x 75 on 1:20
2–50 swim/25 kick
2–50 swim/25 anything but free

Easy 100

Main set (2150 yds, ~33:40 min)
Set 1 (375 yds, 5:55 min)
3 x 75 on 1:10
150 on 2:25

Set 2 (525 yds, 8:25 min)
3 x 75 on 1:15
2 x 150 on 2:20

Set 3 (675 yds, 11:45 min)
3 x 75 on 1:20
3 x 150 on 2:15

Easy 25

Set 4 (450 yds, ~7 min)1st
3 x 75 on 1:05
75 easy on 1:30
150 — 100 hard-get time/easy 50

50 warm down

Total yards: 3300