by marciadmin | Jan 22, 2021 | Round Robin
It’s been a while since I’ve participated in the Round Robins. This is not because they aren’t fun or worthwhile, but merely because I haven’t been motivated/inspired. The last few times I’ve signed up, I’ve flaked. I hate flaking....
by marciadmin | Dec 27, 2019 | Releases, Round Robin, Writerly Talk
This month’s Round Robin is to share a flash fiction story, a short story, or to present an excerpt from one of our books. Well, I’ve chosen one excerpt from my upcoming release Snow Spirits: Children of the Wild Book 2. This book has been more than two...
by marciadmin | Jun 22, 2018 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
This month’s Round Robin is: Why do I write or feel compelled to write even through the difficult parts? This is like asking someone why they breathe. LOL Getting the story out of my head and into the physical world is as necessary as breathing for me. If I don’t,...
by marciadmin | May 18, 2018 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
Romance Novel Trends Round Robin May 2018 topic: What changes have your seen in romance novels in the past decade? Is there a change in romance novel direction? Is there still a market for non-explicit sex stories? What is the next romance novel trend? Back in 2006, I...
by marciadmin | Apr 20, 2018 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
This month’s Round Robin is about how I establish a story, its characters, and setting. How do I immerse my readers in my story? First, I must immerse myself in the location. This means either research or I’m very familiar with the area. For such stories...
by marciadmin | Feb 23, 2018 | Round Robin, Writerly Talk
This month, our Round Robin is about how we create our characters. When I write my characters, how much of the character is me? How much is it influenced by people I know? And do I ever learn anything from my characters? Honestly, there’s probably a little bit of me...