Bill Bean is usually our coach on Sunday, but Clay was there today. It was a remarkably easy workout for Clay. He likes to make us swim fast all of the time. It’s not a bad thing, depending on the day. LOL Our wears up set was easy, but, when you follow it with an all out 400 (Who does that anyway? What is an all-out 400?), the warmup worked fine. I made one of my lane mates lead for the 400. I’d already done the first set, and he was pretty on top of me. I honestly didn’t know if I would maintain better than 1:25 today. I was running him down on that last 50, but he stayed far enough ahead of me for the rest of it that I didn’t really get any draft. For the all-out stroke, I swam . . . you guessed it, backstroke. Probably because of all the rest, I put up a good time for me. (1:22)

Overall, a good workout. It felt a little country club-ish because I’m not accustomed to so much rest. What can I say, I work myself too hard and I have a hard time just hanging on the wall burning the seconds doing nothing . . . unless I’m with other people.

60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday

Coach Clay Evans

500 warmup (~7:30 min)

50 easy

Set 1 — 6x (900 yds, 16:30 min)
100 on 1:45
50 stroke on 1:00

50 easy

400 all out — goal time: 5:15, actual time: 5:20
2 x 50 easy

100 stroke all out
50 easy

Set 2 — 5x (750 yds, 15 min)
50 all out kick on 1:00 — hahahaha
25 easy on :30
50 all out stroke on 1:00
25 easy on :30

200 warm down

Total yards: 2950

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