I don’t know what Bill was thinking today. Set 1 you are meant to swim :10 faster than your base 100 time and maintain that pace throughout. My base time is 1:30/100 yds. You are given extra rest in the first couple of distances and intervals. Don’t get too comfortable because, at the 400, you’re expected to die, er, hold the entire 400 at :10 faster than your base time. (Bahahaha!) On Wednesday, I was excited I managed a 1:25/100 pace throughout the main set. It wasn’t easy. For whatever reason, I swim faster with other people in my lane. Even with that, maintaining a 400 at a 1:20 pace was not in the cards for me today. Sadly, I didn’t even get the 200 on a 1:20 pace (2:41 and 2:42), so you can imagine what happened with the 400. That being said, I suppose it was a good exercise in effort, right? I mean, effort counts for something. I probably came in on the 5:30-5:35. I’d be shocked if it was faster. Good times. LOL
I encourage you to adjust these times and sets to work for you. Whether faster or slower, do it.
60-minute swim workout, SCAQ Sunday
Coach Bill Bean
675 warmup (? min)
Set 1 (1600 yds, 25:20 min)
8 x 50 on :55 (400, 7:40 min)
4 x 100 on 1:35 (400, 6:20 min)
2 x 200 on 3:00 (400, 6:00 min)
400 on 5:20<— bahahaha!
100 easy
Set 2 — 3x (900 yds, 18 min)
4 x 25 on :30
50 easy on 1:00
100 hard on 2:00
50 easy on 1:00
75 warm down
Total yards: 3350
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