Today, I swam with the master’s team. The focus was IM. It was so nice to swim with my friends and have a coach write the workout. Tomorrow, it’s back to being all by myself again.
60-minute swim workout, IM workout
Coach Clay
650 yds 8 minute warmup (it was closer to 9 min)
Main set 4x (1400)
25 butterfly 2 breaths :05 rest
50 backstroke :05 rest
50 breaststroke :05 rest
200 free :05 rest
25 easy
:30 rest
100 kick
2 x 200 on best interval (2:55)
3 x 75 breast on 1:20
5 x 50 back on :55
4 x 25 fly on :30
50 easy
Total yards: 3175
#swimming #swimworkout #IM #mastersswimming #mastersworkout #IMworkout