When I swim with SCAQ, we swim 5 per lane, 3 on one side and 2 on the other. Yesterday, there were only 3 of us in the lane. I’m sure tomorrow will be packed as Sunday, the pool is closed for Easter. Come Monday, I’ll be back to my solo 50-minute swims.
60-minute swim workout
Coach Clay Evans
7 minute warmup (475 yds)
“Warmup” set 4x (1200 yds, 20 min)
50 stroke on :55
200 on 3:10
50 kick on :55
3 x 200 on 3:00 (600 yds, 9 min)
50 easy
3 x 100 on 3:00 (all out) I swam an easy 50 between (450 yds, 9 min)
8 x 25 (200 yds, 8 min)
Odds on :20
Evens on :40
175 warm down
Total yards: 2950
But my iPhone says I’ve done 3050. Who knows? Only the Shadow. LOL
#swimworkout #mastersswimming #swimming #mastersswimmer