I’m posting two workouts today since I forgot to post this one yesterday. For whatever reason, we were instructed to get out of the pool 5 minutes early. It was still a good workout. The breath control was easy as I just don’t kick. Perhaps that’s cheating, but it makes sense if you’re trying for breath control. LOL The 100s were not as easy as I would’ve liked, but it’s how it is.
55-minute swim workout, Sunday morning SCAQ
Coach Bill Bean
9 min warmup (~550 yds)
Set 1 (225 yds, 6:20 min)
9 x 25 on :40
1, 4, 7—3 breaths
2, 5, 8—2 breaths
3, 6, 9—1 breath
easy 50
Set 2 (750 yds, 12:30 min)
5 x 150 on 2:30—100 free/50 easy kick
descend hundreds
easy 100
Set 3 (500 yds, 7:30 min)
5 x 100 on 1:30
maintain or better than your fastest 100 of the 150s
easy 100
Set 4 (300 yds, 4:30 min)
3 x 100 on 1:30
Faster than the last 5 100s
200 easy
Set 5 (300 yds, 6 min)
6 x 50 on 1:00—25 5 breaths/25 3 breaths
75 warm down
Total yards: 2950
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