I wanted to combine stroke technique with speed endurance today. Yesterday was about distance. Today, I worked on speed, but not necessarily sprint. I wanted to maintain the 100s around 1:21-1:22 without sprinting. So hard, but working the speed more through technique than push. Not that there isn’t push, but there’s definitely a difference between the two. Head-up free is interesting for me. The sprint 50s with half head-up broke me in at :39 and I don’t kick when I swim it because it hurts the knee I blew out. Working these drills will improve your stroke. It can take time to get the feel and notice the difference. Just keep working them.

55-minute swim workout, stroke technique Thursday

500 warmup (~7:20 min)

Warmup set (600 yds, 10 min)
6 x 50 on :50 — 25 head-up free/25 free
6 x 50 on :50 — 25 catch up/25 free

Main set 3x (1500 yds, 24 min)
4 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 25 on :30 — catch up free—focus on stretching it out, feeling that catch

50 easy

Bonus set (200 yds, 8 min)
4 x 50 sprint on 1:00
25 sprint head-up free/25 sprint free

100 all out sprint — Let’s see what you have left.

250 warm down

Total yards: 3200