I was unsure how a sprint workout would pan out. And, well, I finished it. LOL I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to pull all of the hundreds at my normal 100 interval, although some of the hundreds were touch and go, but some were pretty fast. If the staff had let us in at the time they should have, we’d have had 2 more minutes. But they didn’t. So this was really a 52-and-change-minute workout. I could have swum a bonus set of 25 sprint. (shrug)

The 25s allowed me to relax and lean into the stroke. One round, all the 25s were easy :20. The goal became to maintain that pace with the same ease through the 100s. That was the goal. I wasn’t successful on most of them.

So, now it’s time for you to adjust the workout as needed, only do some of the sets, lift a set, or just be inspired by the set and create your own.

55-minute swim workout, Friday sprint/pull

500 warmup (~7:30 min)

Warmup set 3x (600 yds, 10 min)
4 x 50 on :50 — descend 1-4

Main set (1800 yds, 30 min)
Set 1 (600 yds, 10:30 min)
3 x 100 on 1:30
12 x 25 on :30 — descend 1-4

Set 2 (600 yds, 10 min)
4 x 100 on 1:30
8 x 25 on :30 — descend 1-4

Set 3 (600 yds, 9:30 min)
5 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 25 on :30 — descend 1-4

250 warm down

Total yards: 3150