How can a fun day be so full of IM? I don’t know, but it was. And fun exercises I would normally do I can’t do since we’re relegated to the deep end right now. So, no dolphin dives or running, but I do have other options. You just have to be more creative, even when it seems like my creativity for “fun” workouts is hitting the wall.

The 200s in the main set are really meant to be more recovery, so descending is kind of a lazy descend, not a “I’m going to swim the fastest I’ve ever done in my life” crazy descend. LOL So, if you start out at 2:55 for the first one (which I did), you can just waffle your way down to maybe a 2:50 by the fourth one. I had a couple of swimmers next to me who were doing some 100 sprints. (Grin) You do know what that means, right? I can’t help myself. They were faster than me, but I was going to make them work to catch me (not that they were paying any attention me, but if they were . . .) I know when I’m sprinting, it’s fun to see if I can catch that person next to me. Not as a competition, but more like chasing the rabbit. 🙂 In this case, I was the rabbit. He was catching up to me, but he didn’t catch me before I finished that 200. (Grin)

Please be sure to adjust intervals, distances, and even strokes to make this workout work for you.

50-minute swim workout, Tuesday’s are fun . . . Really

500 warmup (~7:20 min)

Warmup set 3x (600 yds, 11:30 min)
4 x 50 odds on 1:00/evens :55
1. 25–5 underwater dolphin kicks then 1 fly stroke repeat/25 fly
2. 25 elementary backstroke/25 back
3. 25–5 underwater dolphin kick 2 breaststroke repeat/25 breaststroke
4. 25 head up free/free

Main set (1500 yds, 23:40 min)
Set 1–3x (1200 yds, 18:40 min)
200 free on 3:00–descend by round
4 x 50 IM order odds 1:00/evens :55
25 drill/25 stroke

Set 2 (300 yds, 5 min)
200 on 3:00 push
4 x 25 IM order on :30

Easy 200

Total yards: 2800

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