Since this week was IM at the beginning of the week, I thought I’d do an IM stroke technique. Rather than specify a stroke drill for you in the workout, I’m letting you pick your favorite one. (Is there such a thing? LOL) I didn’t get to start until 2 minutes after, so this was really a 48-minute workout.

Be sure to adjust intervals and distances to fit your fitness level and speed.

50-minute swim workout, stroke technique

500 warmup (~7:30 min)

Warmup set 2x (600 yds, 11:30 min)
4 x 50 on 1:00–IM order
25 stroke drill/25 kick
100 IM on 1:45

Main set 3x (1200, 21:45 min)
100 swim on 1:30
100 IM on 1:45
4 x 50 on 1:00–IM order
25 drill/25 swim

Bonus set (100 yds, 3:20 min)
4 x 25 sprint on :40–IM order

150 warm down

Total yards: 2650

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