Today was sprint day. Every subset of the main one is meant to be pushed. My goal was to sprint hard and maintain the same speed of the first 100/75/50 through to the last one. It gets a little harder the further into the workout you get. The easy 50s were to give me a little bit of recovery before I blasted into the next round. 🙂 I kept that 100s at 1:18 or better, the 75s at :57-58, and the 50s at :37-38. Overall, a good workout.

Be sure you adjust intervals and distances for your fitness level/speed.

50-minute swim workout, sprint Friday

500 warmup (~7:20 min)

Warmup set 2x (600 yds, 10 min)
100 on 1:40
4 x 50 on :50

Main set (1500 yds, 25:40 min)
Set 1 (600 yds, 10 min)

4 x 150 on 2:30
100 sprint, get time, and push off into easy 50

Set 2 (500 yds, 8:40 min)
125 on 2:10
75 sprint, get time, and push off into easy 50

Set 3 (400 yds, 7 min)
100 on 1:45
50 sprint, get time, and push off into easy 50

Bonus set (200 yds, 4 min)
8 x 25 on :30
Odds sprint
Evens easy

100 warm down

Total yards: 2900

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