Ironically, today’s emphasis was “fun”, but I slammed my toe into the wall during a really crappy flip turn, and, according to a physical therapist friend looking at the picture I took, I broke my toe. (Yay me!) I still completed the 50-minute swim workout because . . . swimming. I’ll be swimming tomorrow, too, with a taped toe.
50-minute swim workout, “fun” emphasis
500 warmup (~7:30)
Warmup set (600 yds, 11:05 min)
4×25 on :30–run, underwater as far as you can (shallow end required) then sprint the rest of the way
100 free on 1:35
4×25 on :30 — alt. 5 strokes backstroke/3 strokes free
100 free on 1:35
4×25 on :35 <— I did something unusual here that required extra rest
100 free on 1:35
Main set 3x (1650 yds, 26:30 min)
125 on 2:00 — last 25 dolphin dives
3×75 on 1:15/1:10/1:05
4×50 on :50
250 warm down
Total yards: 3000
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