Mondays are stroke emphasis. I rotate them IM order through the month. So, the first Monday of the month is always butterfly emphasis. I am not a butterflyer, but I do like variety and, even if I’m not great at a stroke, it’s “fun” to add it into my workouts. So, this 50-minute swim workout focuses on butterfly, but is not all butterfly. It would be too hard on my shoulders (and my lungs. LOL) You’ll notice that I added in strokes as the main set went on. However, if you truly love butterfly and think you can do it, repeat Round 1 three times. And be sure to adjust the intervals to work for you. The warmup set is really meant to warm you up, so use a warmup interval that works for you.

50-minute swim workout, fly emphasis

550 warmup (~8:30 min)

Warmup set 3x (600 yds, 11 min)
75 free on 1:15
3 x 25 on :30 — fly/back/breast

Main set 3x (1500 yds, min)
5 x 100 on 1:45
3 x 100 with 25 fly drill/25 fly/50 free — see drills below
1 x 100 with 50 fly/50 free
1 x 100 easy free
2 x 100 with 25 fly drill/25 fly/50 free
1 x 100 with 50 fly/50 free
1 x 100 with 50 back/50 free
1 x 100 easy free
1 x 100 with 25 fly drill/25 fly/50 free
1 x 100 with 50 fly/50 free
1 x 100 with 50 back/50 free
1 x 100 with 50 breast/50 free
1 x 100 easy free

My fly drills were:
1. 3 strokes right arm-3 strokes left arm-3 full strokes until you reach the end
2. butterfly with breaststroke kick
3. butterfly with flutter kick

R2 I dropped #3 drill. R3 my drill was #3.

150 warm down

Total yards: 2800

#swimworkouts #swimming #mastersswimming #butterfly #50minuteswimworkout