Sometimes an end can signal a beginning. This month, or maybe it was the end of August when it happened, Yahoo switched the groups I own to their Neo version. Quite frankly, it sucks. Not only is it hard to navigate, but it ate all of our databases and files in our editors only group.
Yeah, not good. Not good at all.
I fumed for a few days. You know, I have better things to do with my time than to rebuild databases and queues. That made me so excited that I wanted to… strangle someone, preferably the person who came up with this numbskull idea. Fortunately, for them (and me, as I don’t really want to end up in jail–grin), that was physically impossible. Instead, I had to come up with another way to manage this part of my publishing houses.
Looking around for options of what I could do, I realized there weren’t really that many that would function as well or as easily. However, I did come up with something that will work. It also gave me a chance to go over our editors’ queue again and see what we have pending. Not that I don’t pay attention to this, but now I know exactly what’s in there. This is a good thing.
I also decided to look at this as a new beginning. And it is. Yahoo is still around, but there’s no guarantee it will be here forever, or that the groups will continue the way they are. I want something that I have more control over. Moving our queue and database to a different venue gives me that.
Would I have preferred to do this on my own time? Oh, sure, but, honestly, when would I have made the time? (cough, cough) Free time being such a commodity around my house. (HAHAHA) It will work. It will be good. I will be happy. Yes, I will. I’m still not sure how it will turn out. Only time will tell.
Do I still have the urge to strangle someone? Hm… Yeah, but it’s dissipating. I am sure once I have all the kinks worked out of the new system, the urge will all but disappear. (grin)
Authors participating in the Round Robin Blog Tour:
As you point out sometimes the frustration or anger or despair of and ending is what spurs us into a new hopefully better beginning. It makes you wonder about Yahoo’s purpose, doesn’t it? Hope you find the perfect solution. And thanks for participating in the round-robin.
I think I have, Rhobin. I’m still exploring my options. š
Great post, Marci. Another classic case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I have a critique group that was working well with the old yahoo style, and now everyone is having a horrid time navigating the new waters. I’ve heard nothing but complaints on all the loops. I’m enjoying the different viewpoints in beginnings. Nice to meet you through Robin’s smart endeavor.
Thanks, Ginger. Yeah, Yahoo really messed up with this one. I’m looking at creating a forum on our website. This would ensure that if it goes away or changes, it’s because we go away or change because we decide to change.
I haven’t had a chance to go through all of the posts yet, but I am going to. š It’s nice to meet you, too. š
I am very fed up with Yahoo.
Me, too, Shawn. Me, too.
Yes, change is always hard no matter how it happens. It’s especially hard when it’s forced upon by circumstances out of your control.
But the forum that’s been chosen is really good and I like it. Very easy to use and is dead on for what the end result needs to be.
I know that the critique group I belong to is very organized because they are using a forum. Sure, I have to go into a different website, sign in and all but I had to do that with Yahoo as well. Yet, the result is so different. I certainly am not feeling stressed for any reason when I use the forum. Can’t say that recently about Yahoo.
Thanks for the great post!
Yes, I do believe the forum is going to be much better, Lynn, for all involved. We won’t be moving the review group, but I’ll definitely be hosting the forum on Wild Child’s site. This way I have control over what happens to it.
I used to wonder why, when I first joined all of the groups that I’m in, that some would refer to it as “yahell”. Now I know. It may have once been convenient, but just like Facebook, it’s a huge pain to keep up with their changes that never benefit anyone.
And like you, “free time” is never free and never enough. Working multiple jobs does that to you. When I take some time to be with the family, I get so behind on my blogging and author business, that I can feel my stress level rising as I sit down at the computer! Can’t win, eh?
Yeah, Yahell does stupid stuff. We are moving from Yahoo now. I wonder how many groups will move because of this last error.