Last week, I stepped on the scale and was less than happy. Okay. I was very unhappy. Except for when pregnant with Lily, I had never weighed that much in my life. Okay, I’d weighed more when carrying a 25 lb backpack, but not by much. At that moment, I decided I had to do something about it. Yes, I know I’m aging. Yes, hormones are changing. Gaining weight is normal, but I was not okay with the amount of weight. (Are any of us?)
A good friend, Lin Morel, suggested I try going grain-free to help jumpstart my metabolism. Grain-free means no rice, no wheat, no quinoa, no spelt, no corn, and so on. My diet was pretty heavy with grain. My usual lunch was a sandwich on non-GMO, no soy sourdough bread. Breakfast often included eggs and toast or cereal or pancakes or… I can make pancakes, but with almond flour. It’s not quite the same, but I think they could be good with a different recipe.
One of my neighbors is eating the Paleo Diet. She loves it, but that excludes dairy, except eggs, and beans. I do not, but I do stick to raw, non-hormone cheese, raw milk, and organic butter. I do not stint on any of these.
My diet has increased my intake of greens. For instance, every morning, I make myself a green drink that includes fresh organic kale, Swiss chard, Russian kale, chia seeds, and some fruit to sweeten it (because I can’t stand bitter. No, I don’t drink coffee.) Lunch can be a salad with some type of animal protein, raw cheese, nuts (sometimes), lots of lettuce and other regular salad veggies and homemade Italian salad dressing or eggs or soup. (Mind you, I do not skimp on the animal protein.) Dinner is usually animal protein, a vegetable of some sort, and salad.
The other day, I made a delicious lentil soup from scratch. Unfortunately, two bowls of that packed on a pound, so I am off of lentils for a bit.
The hardest part of going grain-free is the mindset. When I need a snack, it’s easy to reach for those crackers with some cheese or munch on some pretzels. With this, I can’t do that. So, the first few days I had to think of other snacks that didn’t include grain. Things like celery or apples and peanut butter, carrots, strawberries, nuts, and so on. It’s still a bit challenging, but I do eat food that is usually cut out of diets: bacon, high fat cheese, and butter. I even had some frozen yogurt (no hormones in the milk or corn syrup) and managed to still lose half a pound.
The second hardest part is still feeding my family. My husband doesn’t understand why I feel the need to diet, but when someone says, “You have a curvier body than some women. That red belly dancing outfit just emphasized it,” you know it’s a kind way of saying you are chunky. I agreed with them, or I wouldn’t have cared.
Since last Wednesday, I’ve lost five pounds without starving myself. With the pool closed, I haven’t been swimming either. The key is for me to stay away from grain for now.
Will it work for you? I don’t know. I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all diet. You have to go with what works for you. This is working great for me.
How much do I want to lose? Ten pounds was my original goal, but I’ve come to the conclusion that my body will stop when it’s done losing weight. That as long as I am healthy, eating a healthy amount of calories, my energy is high, and I maintain my strength, I’ll be okay with it. That may mean I only lose a few more pounds or I could get down to pre-Lily weight. (Although that may be too thin.)
I’ll repost a pic of me in this outfit in another week, just to see where I’m at.
You had me going, rooting for you, until I saw the picture. Sheesh! If you’re overweight, then I’m morbidly obese! And you know what? I don’t care anymore. I’d like to get more exercise in-between my jobs , and all 4 of my kids run but I’m not sure my aging body could handle that, since I’ve always been a dancer, not a runner. Self-hatred is WAY too easy, especially for women. It’s not natural for women to be a size 0.
One of my sons has type 1 Diabetes, so I’ve spent some time talking with nutritionists who by and large, ban all “fad” diets that cut out any food group. They say the whole issue is portion control. I can agree with that. As long as I eat healthy, and feel okay…and I admit it, as long as the husband still wants to snog me, then I’m good.
But if you really feel you need to do this, then good luck.
Well, thank you, Fiona. I have always been fit. This is not fit for me. This is heavy for me. And I am no where near a size zero. Not even a size 8. I don’t want to be a size zero, but I know I need to do this. I am already feeling better physically by cutting the grain out. Also, I weigh myself every day to see what foods cause me to gain weight. That’s how I knew the lentils were not quite right for me at this time. This isn’t permanent. At least, I don’t plan on it being permanent, although if it’s what is the best for my body, I’ll do it. Between the screwy hormones, the migraines, and the steady weight gain, something had to be done.
Yes, self-hatred is way too easy. I’ll admit to having it, although it’s gotten a lot better.
I’ve only cut processed foods. It means a lot of cooking. The food is great, but I’d love a chef. Oh, and someone to wash the dishes. LOL And while we’re at it, I’ll take a maid, too. LOL