Wild Child Publishing, a fiction and non-fiction publisher and parent company of Freya’s Bower, has been online since September 1999. Since its inception, Wild Child Publishing’s goal has been to offer high quality, entertaining reading material. We love a well-written, fast-paced story that compels us to finish the tale to find out what happens.
We focus on quality, and our catalog reflects that. While not large, our catalog is growing, and our readers are very happy with our books. Willing to take a chance on good material, you won’t find what we have anywhere else. Exciting, fresh, frightening, gripping are just a few of the adjectives used to describe our books. Step into our world – the world of the wild child.
You can purchase our books at our website, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Amazon, All Romance eBooks, OmniLit, and Bookstrand.
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