55 minute swim workout, technique Friday

500 warmup (~7:35 min)

Warmup set (900 yds, 17 min)
Set 1–2x (600 yds, 11:20 min)
4 x 50 on 1:00
100 on 1:40
R1: 25 /25 swim
R2: 25—10 side kicks-pull, flip to other side, 10 side kicks-pull, flip to other side, repeat/25 swim

Set 2 (300 yds, 5:40 min)
8 x 25 breath control on :30
100 on 1:40
Start with breathing every stroke and add a stroke between breath with each 25.

Main set (1800 yds, 28:35 min)
Set 1 (600 yds, 9:30 min)
3 x 200 pull on 3:10

Set 2 (600 yds, 9:20 min)
4 x 150 swim on 2:20

Set 3 (600 yds, 9:45 min)
3 x 100 pull on 1:40
3x 100 swim on 1:35

100 warm down

Total yards: 3300