Before I even got to the pool today, I was tired. As I left the house, I told my husband I’d be taking it easy. Or I intended on taking it easy. Tuesdays are also my “fun” workout day. What that really means is just different sets I wouldn’t normally do that mixes things up. Since I was tired, elementary backstroke sounded like just the thing. LOL It was. I don’t know what came over me with the backward broken IM. Insanity? Honestly, it all started . . . well, the IM started with a head up sprint 25 free followed by a sprint 25 free. Amazingly enough, that was a :37. Then, I thought, Well, I can do that with breaststroke, too. It’s different. Of course, I had to do backstroke after breast. Why did I do fly? Well, I swam all of the other strokes and was feeling guilty. By the time the main set came around, I’d given up on pretending this was going to be an easy workout. LOL It was shorter distance than usual, but it still wasn’t easy at the end.
So, do what you need to do. Lift the workout as is . . . or not. Alter it as you need to, but have fun.
Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that I shared the lane with a woman who complained about another lap swimmer because he splashed too much. Bahahaha! Yesterday I did a bunch of IM. She didn’t ask to share the lane with me today. LOL
55-minute swim workout, “fun/easy” day
500 warmup (~7:30 min)
Warmup set (1050 yds, 19 min)
8 x 50
Odds on 1:00:
elementary backstroke
Evens on 1:10:
1st 25—head up free to center/vertical kick for :10/head up free to wall/25 easy free back
75 on 1:20
6 x 50
Odds on 1:00:
elementary backstroke
Evens on 1:10:
1st 25—head up free to center/eggbeater tread two lines forward/head up free to wall/25 easy free back
75 on 1:20
Main set (1150 yds, 24:10 min)
Set 1 (200 yds, 4 min)
4 x 50 on 1:00
Essentially a broken backwards 200 IM
1st 25 head up of the stroke/2nd 25 stroke
easy 50
Set 2 (1150 yds, 20:10 min)
4 x 100 on 1:30
easy 50 on 1:30
4 x 75 on 1:10
easy 50 on 1:30
4 x 50 on :45
easy 50 on 1:30
4 x 25 sprint on :30
100 warm down
Total yards: 2850