I thought I was going to be able to return to swimming with my team, but, even though the state has relaxed the lockdown, the county hasn’t. (Sigh) Luckily, I’m signed up for my local pool, and I’ll continue to swim solo. I’m very disappointed. I miss my swim tribe. 😔 Regardless, today, I swam this sprint workout in the rain. It was lovely. I even got to splash in puddles on the way to and from the pool.

50-minute swim sprint workout

500 warmup

Warmup set 3x (600 yds, 8:55 min)

  • R1: 1:35/1:35
  • R2: 1:35/1:30
  • R3: 1:35/1:25

Main set 3x (1800 yds, 31:30 min)
2×100 on 1:35
4×50 on :50
8×25 on :30

  • R1: work the 25s. Best average, but you should have 10 sec or more rest.
  • R2: work the 50s. Best avg., but you should have 10+sec. rest.
  • R3: work the 100s

The rounds you’re not working, take three strokes off the walls before breathing.

I used the last 25s as a warm down as I ran out of time.

Total yards: 2900

#swimming #mastersswimming #mastersswimmer #50minuteswimworkout