This is another endurance set. It’s not about speed, but maintaining a pace with a short amount of rest. Also, I just wanted to see what I could manage for that many 200s. I’d hoped for a bit faster, but . . . shrug. I wasn’t pushing myself, but rather pacing.

Be sure to adjust intervals and sets, or just take the sets that look interesting to you. Above all, enjoy your time in the pool.

50-minute swim workout, mid distance endurance

500 warmup (~7:20 min)

Warmup set (600 yds, 9:30 min)
4 x 150 on 2:30/2:25/2:20/2:15

Main set (1800 yds, 28:30 min)
Set 1
5 x 200 with 10 second rest between (3:00 avg)

1:00 rest

Set 2
5 x 100 with 5 second rest between (1:30 avg)

:30 rest

Set 3
6 x 50 on :45

150 warm down

Total yards: 3050

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