by marciadmin | Dec 10, 2013 | Cooking
Yup, that’s about it, but I’m not eating beans (which I’m sure makes my husband happy), so I need a meat chili recipe. I’ve been fantasizing about chili dogs (no bun for me) for the past couple of days. Chili dogs with cheese. Yum! No,...
by marciadmin | Dec 10, 2013 | Rants, Thoughts
Somehow this was inserted as a page. I have deleted it from that section and put it back up. I apologize for the repeat. ~ ~ ~ This past week, I picked up a roast for, well, dinner with the intent on making it the next night. I have never cooked a roast before, but I...
by marciadmin | Dec 7, 2013 | Uncategorized
This past week, I picked up a roast for, well, dinner with the intent on making it the next night. I have never cooked a roast before, but I wasn’t worried. Easy access to recipes on the internet make me brave. Besides, how hard is it to mess up a roast? But you...
by marciadmin | Nov 22, 2013 | Cooking
I do know what it is, but I don’t really know how to fix it. Any suggestions? Oh, I’m not a fan of Indian spice. (No curry, please.) I’d love to add this to my repertoire of limited recipes. 🙂 That being said, make sure the recipe doesn’t lie....